Minimal intent…

Minimalism in life is a balance of letting things go… The styling idea for my amazing $20 Zara find…WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! Sorry I digress!! LOL -I just love this little #!!…. so anyway the styling stemmed from the simplicity of it all. It became the catalyst for the overall minimalistic vibe. But not at right at first…I started to add more accessories to my taste and liking as I do, but somehow the little love affair was diminishing. So instead I decided to style less out of habit and more out of intent. Hmmmm…. say that with me- LESS from Habit- MORE out of INTENT! ( note to self-possible blog post topic ) Ok I’m back… my mind drifts at times- LOL but I always bring it back. 🙂 Please stay with me ya’ll.

So as I was saying… The quote “less is more” can actually mean more than less when you think about it. It can be applied to many aspects in our daily get up and go. I’ve learned to say a lot less as I’ve gotten more mature, realizing not everything needs a comment. You actually say more when you say less. In the world of styling we apply the ” less is more” mindset when getting ourselves or a client dressed… after you have completed the look and something just doesn’t look/feel right to you… we all have those moments-right?!… the “go to” thought is to remove something. It may be the last piece you added or the first and usually it miraculously solves the problem. Unless you are my dear dear friend Iris Apfel- who believes and lives by her infamous quote “more is more and less is a bore” which isn’t for everybody- but if you can pull if off by all means do so and DO YOU 🙂

So in conclusion my stylish sisters…Minimalism as a lifestyle is the art of letting go. Whatever that means to you and however you decide to apply it…. Remember DO what you LOVE…..

Until next time lovelies.. DO YOU


Making more of a statement with less…

you decide your vibe….
Oh how I love Green….
Just the cowboys

More than 95% of style is your creativity and how you OWN your look…