Lets play DRESS up…

Remembering when I was a little girl playing dress up was SO FUN! Got me wondering if that feeling ever leaves us. Something still happens when I put on a dress its a feeling that makes you want to twirl and twirl. No matter what the season a dress almost always works. Easy breezy, belted or booted, add a blazer to take it thru the transition period into Fall. Even though the weather is still warm in some places we ARE officially now in Fall. With that being said we can just rock our dresses on it’s own… Just add some favorite accessories to complete the look, as we wait for the temps to catch up to the current season. Winter florals like this dress from @Canvasfashiongallery dress are the perfect in the mean time in between time piece to have in your wardrobe.

For now I’m slowly adding pieces that give the look of Fall without actually needing the warmth from the layers. This is what I call my Fall Florida Style..

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Winter florals…

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